Demonstrate advanced clinical management and surgical skills.

Domain of Clinical Practice Patient Management
Level Level 4
Special Interest Area Cataract Surgery
Code CS4.1
  • Demonstrate competency in advanced clinical diagnosis, investigation and management of cataract in outpatients, inpatients and emergency settings. 
  • Perform cataract surgery independently, including, but not limited to: 
    • high myopes 
    • high astigmatic error 
    • those with previous anterior or posterior segment surgery 
    • previous iritis 
    • unusually hard or soft cataracts 
    • white cataracts 
    • small pupils 
    • pseudoexfoliation syndrome 
    • subluxated lenses and post-trauma  
  • Demonstrate ability to use monofocal, toric, sulcus and anterior chamber lenses.  
  • Demonstrate ability to manage problems including, but not limited to: 
    • anterior and posterior capsule tears 
    • iris complications 
    • intraocular lens (IOL) misplacement or replacement 
    • wound complications 
  • Manage anterior vitreous loss and anterior vitrectomy; placement of the secondary IOL into the sulcus. 
  • Identify and manage suprachoroidal haemorrhage.   
  • Use simulated environments to enhance practical skills for complex cases. 
  • Perform a whole list of cataract operations and take responsibility for the efficient management of the session. 
  • Understand the limitations of biometry, and manage cases accordingly, e.g. following corneal disease and surgery (including refractive surgery). 
  • By the end of training, undertake a prospective audit of 50 consecutive cataract cases where the surgery is performed within three calendar years of achieving Level 4 Cataract Surgery. Post-operative refractive data must be provided on at least 10% of cases.
  • Maintain a record of activities, using the RCOphth electronic logbook.
Method of Assessment
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