Demonstrate advanced clinical management and surgical skills.

Domain of Clinical Practice Patient Management
Level Level 4
Special Interest Area Uveitis
Code U4.1
  • Demonstrate competency in diagnosis, investigation and management of uveitis in a wide range of patients with infectious and non-infectious uveitis, including:  
  • Demonstrate competency in diagnosis, investigation and management of other inflammatory orbital and ocular disease including:  
    • systemic vasculitis 
    • scleritis and inflammatory corneal disease  
    • lacrimal and orbital inflammation  
    • ocular surface inflammation  
    • neurological inflammatory disease 
    • HIV and the immunosuppressed patient 
  • Demonstrate competency in interpretation of relevant investigations, including: 
    • optical coherence tomography (OCT) 
    • fluorescein angiography 
    • indocyanine green angiography
    • electrodiagnostic tests 
    • B scan ultrasonography 
  • Recognise and acutely manage patients presenting with sight threatening uveitis. 
  • Apply Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature (SUN) criteria. 
  • Identify and plan appropriate management for the complications of uveitis, such as uveitic cataract, uveitic glaucoma, macular oedema and retinal detachment, and co-manage these along with colleagues in other special interest areas. 
  • Plan appropriate perioperative management of patients with uveitis and related ocular inflammatory conditions undergoing intraocular surgery. 
  • Employ local and systemic medicines appropriately, including steroids, steroid-sparing immuno-suppressive agents and biologic therapies in patients with non-infectious uveitis, in a way that maximizes benefit and minimizes harm. 
  • Monitor and evaluate the effects of treatment for patients with non-infectious and infectious uveitis and make changes to therapy appropriate to the course of the disease. 
  • Monitor and manage the side-effects of systemic treatment. 
  • Identify uveitis patients who have an underlying systemic disease or infection or are immunocompromised; understand how this may change the management and/or course of the disease. 
  • Maintain a record of activities, using the RCOphth electronic logbook.  
Method of Assessment
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