Risk assess and prioritise patients appropriately, recognising the need for special interest input.

Domain of Clinical Practice Patient Management
Level Level 3
Special Interest Area Urgent Eye Care
Code UEC3.2
  • Manage urgent referrals efficiently, according appropriate priority to referrals based on clinical need and in accordance with local and national guidelines. 
  • Triage patients in the urgent eye care clinic appropriately. 
  • Risk-assess patient and provide treatment and follow-up appropriate for that level of risk, including referral to more experienced clinicians or for surgery where appropriate.  
  • Recognise where a patient is low risk and can be managed in a different clinic setting or is appropriate to be discharged back to the community. 
  • Manage ocular emergencies in the acute setting, following local guidelines e.g. acute glaucoma, orbital compartment syndrome, orbital cellulitis, endophthalmitis, giant cell arteritis, keratitis and acute neurological presentations. 
Method of Assessment
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