During this stage doctors intraining will rotate through posts to receive mandatory training in the specific clinical skills related to the main ophthalmic SIAs. This is essential to prepare ophthalmologists to work in specialty-based hospital eye services within their capabilities. Doctors in training will develop transferable surgical skills as they move between these specialty posts and will continue to consolidate their cataract surgical skills. Progression in cataract surgery will be demonstrated by performing complete procedures, a continuous cataract complications audit and formative assessments. Other surgical and procedural skills will also be assessed formatively. Clinical knowledge will be assessed by the final Part 2 FRCOphth examination. Throughout this stage of training, generic professional capabilities will continue to be assessed through the ePortfolio and multiple consultant assessments.
An ophthalmologist working at Level 3 will be able to independently assess and manage moderate complexity patients demonstrating an understanding of appropriate procedures and selecting the most appropriate treatment. They will work at the level expected of a consultant general ophthalmologist, i.e. not a specialist in the area. They will recognise when specialist expertise is required and refer appropriately. They will independently perform low complexity procedures relevant to the specialty. Full details of the descriptors supporting each Learning Outcome can be found in the curriculum microsite.
- EPA Level 3 – one for each of the Level 3 SIAs (overall requirement of minimum of one every 6 months) until final one signed off by NCS as ‘Competent’ in Patient Management Domain Level 3. The requirements for the Level 3 EPA are summarised in Table A.
- This Guide also contains a completed sample EPA for Community Ophthalmology – note that this is a Word document and it will look different in the ePortfolio.
- GSAT Level 3 – one for every six months until final one signed off by ES as achieving the competencies required to complete this Level in the six Generic (non-Patient Management) Domains. Examples of evidence that can be used in the Level 3 GSAT are summarised in Table B.
- Educational Supervisor Report – one for every six months and final one confirming a review of the ePortfolio indicating that Level 3 competencies have been achieved in all seven Domains.
- Pass in Part 2 FRCOphth examination
- Logbook
- Professional Development Plan
- MSF – one for each 12 month training period
- Cataract Complications Audit – for each 12 month training period
- Form R, SOAR declaration or equivalent – for each 12 month training period
- Satisfactory outcome in ARCP
Please also see Level 3 training requirements in the section on ARCP and the Learning Outcomes on the curriculum microsite.
Table A Curriculum requirements as listed in Level 3 EPA for each SIA | |||
*A formative tool should be used if a trainee is not achieving the expected level. These requirements can be demonstrated by DOPS, OSATS, direct observation or observation by another team member. | |||
Mandatory requirements in Outpatients | Mandatory requirements in Theatre | Other mandatory requirements | |
CRS1 Consultation skills in oculoplastics | OSATS Lid surgery | Longitudinal, periodic observation by consultant assessor in the outpatient and/or on call setting, where possible | |
Assessment and detailed interpretation of lacrimal function (syringing / sac wash-out)* | OSATS Lateral canthotomy and cantholysis | Longitudinal observation by consultant assessor in the theatre and simulation setting | |
Initial management of sight-threatening orbital emergencies (e.g. orbital cellulitis)* | Local anaesthesia* | Review of record keeping and letters | |
Tarsorrhaphy* | CbDs | ||
Eyelid laceration repair* | Multi-assessor report | ||
Eyelid lesion biopsy* | |||
CRS1 Consultation skills in cornea and ocular surface disease | OSATS Microsurgical skills - cornea and ocular surface disease | Ocular surface protection (e.g. Botox, Amniotic membrane, tarsorrhaphy)* - either Outpatients or Theatre | |
Corneal gluing* | Corneal trauma repair (may be as part of larger globe repair)* | ||
Corneal graft suture removal* | Longitudinal, periodic observation by consultant assessor in the outpatient and/or on call setting, where possible | ||
Local anaesthesia* | Longitudinal observation by consultant assessor in the theatre and simulation setting | ||
Review of record keeping and letters | |||
CbDs | |||
Multi-assessor report | |||
CRS1 Consultation skills in cataract surgery | OSATS Cataract Surgery | Logitudinal, periodic observation by consultant assessor in the outpatient and/or on call setting, where possible | |
DOPSBi Perform and interpret biometry | Local anaesthesia* | Longitudinal observation by consultant assessor in the theatre and simulation setting | |
Aqueous / vitreous biopsy* | Review of continuous audit of complications of cataract surgery | ||
Anterior chamber paracentesis* | Review of logbook | ||
Periocular and intraocular drug delivery* | Review of record keeping and letters | ||
CbDs | |||
Multi-assessor report | |||
CRS1 Consultation skills in glaucoma | OSATS Cataract Surgery | Longitudinal, periodic observation by consultant assessor in the outpatient and/or on call setting, where possible | |
Laser for IOP (including YAG PI and SLT)* | OSATS Microsurgical skills – glaucoma surgery | Longitudinal observation by consultant assessor in the theatre and simulation setting | |
Acute management of angle closure glaucoma* | Local anaesthesia* | Review of record keeping and letters | |
CbDs | |||
Multi-assessor report | |||
CRS1 Consultation skills in uveitis | DOPS Periocular and intraocular drug delivery | Aqueous and vitreous sampling* - either Outpatients or TheatreLongitudinal, periodic observation by consultant assessor in the outpatient and/or on call setting, where possible | |
Interpretation and use of ICG and FFA* | Longitudinal observation by consultant assessor in the theatre and simulation setting | ||
Interpretation of electrophysiology* | Review of record keeping and letters | ||
CbDs | |||
Multi-assessor report | |||
CRS1 Consultation skills in medical retina | OSATS Intravitreal injections | Longitudinal, periodic observation by consultant assessor in the outpatient and/or on call setting, where possible | |
Interpretation of FFA, ICG, OCT, AF, electrophysiology * | Sub-tenon’s injection* | Longitudinal observation by consultant assessor in the theatre and simulation setting | |
Interpretation of electrophysiology* | Review of record keeping and letters | ||
Retinal laser treatment* | CbDs | ||
Multi-assessor report | |||
CRS1 Consultation skills in vitreoretinal surgery | OSATS Cataract Surgery | Longitudinal, periodic observation by consultant assessor in the outpatient and/or on call setting, where possible | |
Ultrasound of the vitreous cavity, retina and choroid* | OSATS Microsurgical skills – vitreoretinal surgery | Longitudinal observation by consultant assessor in the theatre and simulation setting | |
Local anaesthesia* | Review of record keeping and letters | ||
Vitreous biopsy* | CbDs | ||
Multi-assessor report | |||
CRS1 Consultation skills in ocular motility | DOPS Forced duction test | ||
OSATS Surgical skills – extraocular muscle surgery | Longitudinal, periodic observation by consultant assessor in the outpatient and/or on call setting, where possible | ||
Interpretation of orthoptic exam* | Longitudinal observation by consultant assessor in the theatre and simulation setting | ||
Review of record keeping and letters | |||
CbDs | |||
Multi-assessor report | |||
CRS1 Consultation skills in neuro-ophthalmology | Longitudinal, periodic observation by consultant assessor in the outpatient and/or on call setting, where possible | ||
Botulinum toxin treatment* | Longitudinal observation by consultant assessor in the theatre and simulation setting | ||
Use of neuroimaging* | Review of record keeping and letters | ||
Liaison with other medical and surgical specialties as needed* | CbDs | ||
Interpretation of orthoptic assessment* | Multi-assessor report | ||
CRS1 Consultation skills in paediatric ophthalmology | OSATS Surgical skills – extraocular muscle surgery | Longitudinal, periodic observation by consultant assessor in the outpatient and/or on call setting, where possible | |
Indirect ophthalmoscopy with indentation (ROP screening)* | DOPS Assessment of lacrimal function, including probing in children | Longitudinal observation by consultant assessor in the theatre and simulation setting | |
Examination for suspected NAI* | Review of record keeping and letters | ||
Referral for genetic counselling* | CbDs | ||
Interpretation of the orthoptic examination* | Multi-assessor report | ||
Refract and provide glasses prescription* | |||
Knowledge of community ophthalmology commissioning frameworks, local community ophthalmology provision and referral pathways* | Longitudinal, periodic observation by consultant assessor in the outpatient and community setting where possible (consider handling of referrals, communication with primary care, virtual clinics, teleophthalmology, etc.) | ||
Knowledge of screening programmes* | Review of record keeping and letters | ||
Application of improvement methodologies* | CbDs | ||
Multi-assessor report | |||
CRS1 Consultation skills in urgent eye care | OSATS Microsurgical skills – urgent eye care | Vitreous biopsy* - either Outpatients or Theatre | |
Corneal gluing* | Lateral cantholysis* | Longitudinal, periodic observation by consultant assessor in the outpatient and/or on call setting, where possible | |
Longitudinal observation by consultant assessor in the theatre and simulation setting | |||
Review of record keeping and letters | |||
CbDs | |||
Multi-assessor report | |||
Table B Examples of evidence that can be used in the GSAT Level 3 | |
CbDs and Reflections can be used to demonstrate evidence under each Learning Outcome. | |
Learning outcome | Suggested examples of evidence and topics on which related CBDs and reflective pieces can be used |
Demonstrate leadership in the promotion of eye and general health in the wider community. | M+M meetings – present any cases of endophthalmitis |
Reflective piece following involvement with Integrated care system pathways (regional) for eye disease e.g. dry eye disease | |
Patient information leaflets for general eye health (e.g. contact lens wear guidance) | |
QIP in a community ophthalmology clinic e.g in virtual access clinics | |
Promote immunisation. | Recommend tetanus in trauma cases |
Recommend flu vaccine and covid vaccine to elderly and immunosuppressed | |
Demonstrate the authority, capacity and motivation to implement change. | Undertake management course |
Certificate of learning | |
CLE 04 - Managing Services | |
https://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/Component/Details/393939 | |
https://www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/resources/healthcare-leadership-model/ | |
Examples of training undertaken covering 9 leadership behaviours: | |
Undertake management training course with reflective notes or | |
shadow senior manager or | |
visit hospital or community service scheme and write reflective notes | |
Ability to manage and lead teams when on call: MSF/CS/ ESR | |
Participation in committees e.g., RCOphth role/ trust working parties/ HEENE roles such a Doctors in Training representative | |
Design own projects related to leadership and management with outcomes predetermined to reflect on success. | QIPs |
Examples include: | |
writing a business case e.g., for a piece of equipment. | |
Learning about finance or commissioning within the NHS to share the knowledge with others, introducing a new guideline or piece of equipment | |
Design and implement quality improvement programmes to improve clinical effectiveness, patient safety and patient experience. | Portfolio |
Part 2 FRCOphth | |
QI project | |
Audit | |
Analyse and critique published research. | Portfolio |
Part 2 FRCOphth | |
Journal club attendance | |
PG teaching | |
Take responsibility for safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults, referring and taking appropriate action. | Adult Safeguarding Level 2 - https://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/Component/Details/511209 |
Child Safeguarding Level 2 – | |
https://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/Component/Details/510418 | |
CBD re: | |
Performing an NAI screening in a child | |
Involving/initiating a safeguarding incident | |
Portfolio | |
Part 2 FRCOphth | |
Apply mental capacity legislation in clinical practice. | Undertake Mental Capacity Act (MCA) training and demonstrate booking best interests meeting |
Hold best interests meeting with supervision | |
Trust Deprivation of Liberty training | |
MCA: https://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/Component/Details/598749 | |
Best interest: https://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/Component/Details/597891 | |
Apply appropriate equality and diversity legislation in clinical practice. | Trust equality and diversity training |
Reflective piece/CBD of case involving issues of equality and diversity | |
Create learning opportunities for others. | Supervise juniors – logbook |
CSR | |
Thank you note for teaching or learning support from junior trainee or other professional | |
Feedback from medical students | |
Provide objective assessment. | Objective feedback on teaching or training received |
Reflective piece | |
OSCE examiner for medical school | |
Design and contribute to patient education | Evidence of participation in patient education events, patient support group meetings etc |
Design or revise patient information leaflets or videos | |
Involvement in other forms of patient education | |
Implement service improvement by revision and development of guidelines, treatments and practical procedures using current clinical research and contemporary evidence. | Involvement in QI project, audit, evaluation, writing business case |
Developing departmental guidelines | |
Developing teaching handbook | |
Evidence of participation in the NIHR Associate Principal Investigator Scheme | |
Lead research / teaching sessions and critically appraise oral presentations. | Chair local postgrad teaching |
Chair simulation course | |
Evidence of presentation in local and regional teaching | |
Evidence of feedback given | |
Evidence of organising teaching session | |
Publications | |
You can download a sample completed EPA in Community Ophthalmology as follows:
Remember this is a Word document which will look different in the ePortfolio.