Demonstrate advanced clinical management and surgical skills.

Domain of Clinical Practice Patient Management
Level Level 4
Special Interest Area Vitreoretinal Surgery
Code VR4.1
  • Demonstrate competency in diagnosis, investigation and management of vitreoretinal disease in outpatients, inpatients and emergency settings. 
  • Have skills in cataract surgery to Level 4. 
  • Have advanced cataract surgery skills to manage high risk cataract surgery including, but not limited to post-vitrectomy, posterior polar cataract and zonular weakness. 
  • Demonstrate core skills to manage: 
    • Endophthalmitis 
    • vitreous haemorrhage 
    • supra-choroidal haemorrhage 
    • sub-retinal haemorrhage 
    • uncomplicated rhegmatogenous retinal detachment 
    • vitreo-macular traction 
    • epiretinal membrane 
    • macular hole  
  • Employ the most appropriate technique from a range of surgical skills for the particular clinical situation e.g. vitrectomy, external buckling, pneumoretinopexy. 
  • Demonstrate skills to manage the posterior segment complications of cataract surgery, including intra-ocular lens implantation in the absence of capsular support. 
  • Demonstrate laser skills such as the application of indirect laser with indentation and in the presence of a small pupil for retinal breaks. 
  • Undertake prospective audit of specialist surgical outcomes in vitreoretinal disease, against national standards. 
  • Maintain a record of activities, using the RCOphth electronic logbook.  
Method of Assessment
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