Demonstrate advanced clinical management and surgical skills.

Domain of Clinical Practice Patient Management
Level Level 4
Special Interest Area Neuro-ophthalmology
Code NO4.1
  • Demonstrate competency in diagnosis, investigation and management of neuro-ophthalmic conditions, including, but not exclusively:  
    • optic nerve disorders  
    • chiasmal syndromes 
    • post-chiasmal visual field loss  
    • disorders of the ocular motor pathways (including ocular motor nerve palsies, nystagmus and supranuclear disorders of gaze)  
    • abnormalities of the pupils  
    • disorders of higher visual function  
    • trigeminal, facial nerve, pain/headache and vascular disorders related to neuro-ophthalmology 
  • Manage eye and vision problems relating to brain damage (such as stroke, trauma, compressive lesions and multiple sclerosis). 
  • Employ a neutral density filter to enhance the interpretation of a swinging light test. 
  • Perform and reliably interpret examination of motility (including saccades, supranuclear, vestibular and OKN), nystagmus, pupil, ptosis, fields to confrontation, colour vision, tests of higher visual function. 
  • Demonstrate competency in investigating complex neuro-ophthalmology cases.  
  • Have an advanced understanding of neuro-imaging, electrodiagnostic tests and other investigations employed in neuro-ophthalmology. 
  • Perform temporal artery biopsy and understand the indications, limitations, technique and risks of the procedure.  
  • Use ultrasonography techniques to locate the temporal artery prior to its biopsy. 
  • Know how to handle tissue samples to increase the diagnostic yield and liaise with laboratory staff so that the specimens are correctly identified, presented and transported. 
  • Interpret the result of a temporal artery biopsy and make appropriate and reliable arrangements for the result to be acted upon in a timely fashion. 
  • Understand the role, indications and limitations of temporal artery duplex scanning in the diagnosis of giant cell arteritis. 
  • Have a sound understanding of the indications for, use of, and limitations of pharmacological, radiological, and surgical therapies used in the management of patients with neuro-ophthalmological disorders. 
  • Maintain a record of activities, using the RCOphth electronic logbook. 
Method of Assessment
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