Manage the complexity and uncertainty of neuro-ophthalmology cases.

Domain of Clinical Practice Patient Management
Level Level 4
Special Interest Area Neuro-ophthalmology
Code NO4.2
  • Understand and apply advanced knowledge of neuro-ophthalmic disease and practice. 
  • Diagnose and manage complex neuro-ophthalmology cases including, but not limited to: 
    • optic neuropathy related to inherited and acquired causes and compressive lesions 
    • papilloedema 
    • oculomotility disturbance (including myopathies, infra-/inter- and supranuclear disorders and vestibular disorders) 
    • visual field anomalies such as:  
      • functional disorders 
      • neoplastic/paraneoplastic disorders 
      • higher cortical visual dysfunction 
      • infective, inflammatory, auto-immune, vascular/ischaemic disorders 
      • neuro-ophthalmology presentations of systemic disorders 
  • Independently manage emergency neuro-ophthalmology cases.  
  • Manage neuro-ophthalmology clinics independently.  
  • Understand and utilise available instrument technology relevant to neuro-ophthalmology. 
  • Evaluate published developments in neuro-ophthalmology and modify own practice appropriately. Understand where controversies and alternative managements exist. 
  • Give specialist advice to non neuro-ophthalmology specialists. 
  • Liaise and support colleagues from other subspecialties to optimise patient care, when co-management is required. 
  • Recognise and refer patients who will benefit from more specialist input. 
Method of Assessment
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