Descriptors |
- Create prioritised differential diagnoses and reach a potential diagnosis.
- Formulate a management plan based upon clinical assessment and, where appropriate, the results of relevant investigations.
- Demonstrate that decisions are made by applying appropriate and clear clinical reasoning.
- Recognise when a patient’s ocular problem is a manifestation of a systemic disorder and when an ophthalmic diagnosis may indicate an increased risk of a systemic illness.
- Know the likely infective organisms in cases of infection, how they are best isolated and identified.
- Understand the indications and use of systemic and topical antimicrobials.
- Recognise when the management plan involves a level of expertise that is beyond own competence.
- Make appropriate referrals to other specialties, in a timely manner, using local pathways.
- Understand the rationale behind, and perform or organise the ophthalmic examinations required by protocols in other specialties.
- Know when patients should be jointly managed between specialties, and contribute to this management.
- Demonstrate the ability to reflect and learn from professional practice and clinical outcomes.
- Identify the presence of abnormal findings on CT and MR scans of the orbit (OO2.2).
- Assess and recognise sight-threatening orbital emergencies and initiate management e.g. iv antibiotics in orbital cellulitis, lateral canthotomy in orbital haemorrhage (OO2.2).
- Interpret, and act upon the results of a conjunctival swab or corneal scrape or biopsy (COS2.2).
- Plan the optimum refractive outcome for surgical procedures (COS2.2).
- Recognise errors in biometry result and identify when they need to be repeated (COS2.2).
- Interpret, and act upon the results of a vitreous biopsy (COS2.2).
- Identify whether the angle is open or closed (G2.2).
- Identify the likely cause in secondary glaucoma cases with ability to identify or exclude whether typical signs are present, e.g. pseudoexfoliation (G2.2).
- Recognise and escalate appropriately where there is high risk of the patient developing vision loss (G2.2).
- Interpret, and act upon the results of a vitreous biopsy (VR2.2).
- Recognise when neurological problems are present that require the opinion of a neurologist or neurosurgeon (G2.2).
- Recognise and accurately describe findings consistent with heritable optic neuropathies (G2.2).
- Recognise and enquire about the influence of impaired vision on schooling and general development, make appropriate referrals (PO2.2).
- Know when referral for support services (e.g. ATVI, ROVIC, SENCO, social services, safeguarding) is appropriate and make these appropriate referrals (PO2.2).