Demonstrate advanced skills necessary to assess the eye health needs of a population and analyse local priorities.

Domain of Clinical Practice Patient Management
Level Level 4
Special Interest Area Community Ophthalmology
Code CO4.1
  • Work with the local commissioners and wider stakeholders within the local health care system to improve understanding of local eye health needs, drawing on international, national and local data to demonstrate areas of variation in outcomes.  
  • Work with local commissioners and wider stakeholders to understand the burden of disease on the local population, the value of services (cost of delivery, activity, health gain/outcomes), financial pressures and potential areas for whole system savings. 
  • Understand local and regional population demographics and the various community services available. 
  • Be aware of geographical locations of local/regional eye services and the impact this has for service users. 
  • Understand community needs assessment methods, including utilisation of National Eye Health Epidemiological Model (NEHEM) for commissioning and prioritising of community and hospital eye services. 
  • Contribute to community needs assessment processes for commissioning and prioritising of community and hospital eye services, where possible.  
  • Understand the public health and commissioning processes, including datasets, financial flows (e.g. patient level costs).  
  • Understand the health care structure within the UK, including knowledge of funding structures and how this applies to service configuration both in primary and secondary care setting. 
  • Show awareness of international eye health issues, including variation in burden of specific eye conditions. 
  • Understand the demographic, financial and wider social structural elements in eye health provision in regions outside of the UK. 
  • Know current or important World Health Organization (WHO) initiatives relating to eye health. 
  • Know current or important International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) initiatives relating to eye health. 
Method of Assessment
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