At this stage the theme of general ophthalmology continues with doctors in training adopting spiral learning and demonstrating increasing independence and efficiency. They will continue to use skills of reflection and self-awareness to recognise their own achievements and limitations. They will begin supervision of more junior doctors, where this is appropriate. At the end of this stage all doctors in training must have passed the Refraction Certificate examination to progress further. This test of knowledge involves an understanding of theoretical principles of optics, refraction and the related clinical skills, essential for higher practice.

An ophthalmologist working at Level 2 will be able to independently manage low complexity patients at an appropriate work rate employing the most appropriate clinical examination and investigation modalities. They will refine differential diagnoses and management plans by application of their clinical knowledge. They will be aware of public health issues relevant to ophthalmology. Full details of the descriptors supporting each Learning Outcome can be found in the curriculum microsite.

  1. EPA Level 2 – one for every six months until final one signed off by NCS as ‘Competent’ in Patient Management Domain Level 2. The requirements for the Level 2 EPA are summarised in Table A.
  2. GSAT Level 2 – one for every six months until final one signed off by ES as achieving the competencies required to complete this Level in the six Generic (non-Patient Management) Domains. Examples of evidence that can be used in the Level 2 GSAT are summarised in Table B.
  3. Refraction Certificate
  4. Educational Supervisor Report – one for every six months and final one confirming a review of the ePortfolio indicating that Level 2 competencies have been achieved in all seven Domains
  5. Pass in Refraction Certificate examination
  6. Logbook
  7. Professional Development Plan
  8. MSF – one for every calendar year
  9. Cataract Complications Audit
  10. Form R, SOAR declaration or equivalent
  11. Satisfactory outcome in ARCP

Please also see Level 2 training requirements in the section on ARCP and the Learning Outcomes on the curriculum microsite.

Table A Curriculum requirements as listed in Level 2 EPA
*A formative tool should be used if a trainee is not achieving the expected level. These requirements can be demonstrated by DOPS, OSATS, direct observation or observation by another team member.
Mandatory requirements in OutpatientsMandatory requirements in TheatreOther mandatory requirements
CRS1 Consultation skills OSATS Microsurgical skills Longitudinal, periodic observation by consultant assessor in the outpatient and/or on call setting, where possible
CRS10d Fundus assessment – binocular indirect ophthalmoscopeOSATS Cataract Surgery Longitudinal observation by consultant assessor in the theatre and simulation setting
CRSret Cycloplegic refractionOSATS Lid surgery Review of record keeping and letters
Use a pachymeter*Lateral canthotomy/cantholysis* Multi-assessor report
Insertion of bandage contact lens*Interpret biometry*
Remove of corneal foreign body*
Laser to lens capsule*
Laser for raised IOP*
Laser retinopexy*
Interpret orthoptic assessment*
Interpret FFA*

Table B Examples of evidence that can be used in the GSAT Level 2
CbDs and Reflections can be used to demonstrate evidence under each Learning Outcome.
Learning outcomeSuggested examples of evidence and topics on which related CbDs and reflective pieces can be used
Domain: Health Promotion
Be aware and respect the impact of social, economic, cultural and religious factors on health.Evidence of community ophthalmology attachment
Cultural: corneal donations/retrievals and its implications.
Social and economic: deprivation and transport. Evidence of detailing examples of people with limited means of transport and being remote. Booking Taxis. Late presentation of cataract and advanced disease secondary to socioeconomic deprivation.
Religion: drops in Ramadan – educational element. Fasting
Have detailed knowledge of National Screening Programmes especially with reference to Ophthalmic diseases.Placements in paeds (ROP), Med ret (diabetic screening), or glaucoma
Demonstrate understanding of UK visual screening for children. An example could be including familial retinoblastoma cases, or cases who have been referred as a part of hydroxychloroquine screening or diabetic retinopathy screening
Domain: Leadership and Teamworking
Document and evidence leadership behaviours.Reflective practice
Courses – e.g. TTT
Certificate of learning
01_01 Introduction to Leadership and LeAD
Completion for Level 1 also counts towards Level 2 evidence
Audit / QIP project/or evidence of research project
Write a reflective piece about own attributes and skills in communication, handling feedback, coping with stress, developing resilience, leadership styles that fit your strengths and stretching oneself to develop further 
Practice within a multidisciplinary team to develop leadership projects.Manage rota
Human factors training
Certificate of course
Evidence of practice within a multidisciplinary team
Chairing a meeting
Learning appraisal skills
Training on team building
Undertaking patient improvement activity
Domain: Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
Apply clear and appropriate clinical reasoning to make safe decisions.Portfolio 
Part 2 FRCOphth 
Practice in line with latest evidence.Portfolio 
Part 2 FRCOphth 
Maintain appropriate audits of practice.Portfolio 
Part 2 FRCOphth 
Surgical logbook; details of complications; Cataract Complications Audit
Apply quality improvement methods.Portfolio 
Part 2 FRCOphth 
QI project, Audit
Domain: Safeguarding and Holistic Care
Recognise where specialised management techniques may be necessary for those with special needs.CBDs
Refer to ECLO
Consent and capacity training
Adult Safeguarding Level 2
CbD re: patient with special needs attending clinic or theatre
Evidence of knowledge in sight impaired registration, DLVA requirements
CBD or reflection on support needed/referral to ECLO
ECLO and wider visual support
Case relating to vision/visual field and driving
Case relating to Amaurosis/TIA/Stroke and advice regarding driving
Case relating to CVI registration and ECLO/low visual aid referral
CBD/reflection relating patient with dementia/learning difficulties needing consent
Domain: Education and Training
Plan and provide education and training activities for medical trainees and other professionals.Evidence of medical student teaching, nurses, optometrist or junior trainee
Evidence of developing a teaching session
Contribution to regional teaching session or to medical students or other professionals
Reflect on teaching
Give constructive feedback on learning activities.Feedback form completed at end of teaching session with own constructive feedback
MAR from a non-clinical supervisor
Feedback on regional teaching
Domain: Research and Scholarship
Implement an evidence-based approach to shared decision making and enhancing patient outcomesInvolvement in MDT
Undertake a literature review to answer a clinical question
Research Agreement
Demonstrate competencies for commencing clinical research.GCP course – online/in person
Research ethics course
Collect evidence of research skills; evidence of a publication is strong evidence or research project undertaken
Good Clinical Practice training
Carry out lit search on topic
Evidence of discussions with supervisor on research projects e.g a project proposal
Write ethics application
eLearning/courses on research skills e.g GCP training, research skills modules from MSc course, Trust R+D training courses
Research Agreement
Distil research, deliver poster presentations and improve oral presenting.Journal club
Regional teaching
Research publication/oral or poster presentation in local, regional, national and international meetings
Critical appraisal clinical trial presented at regional meeting/journal club
Research Agreement