Please note that this is a checklist and not a ‘how to’ guide. For more details, there are videos on the FourteenFish Help Centre, as well as many documents, digital resources and Top Tips on the College website.
Resident doctors
- Complete all mandated WpBAs for your Level or SIA in Level – these are the ones that are clearly labelled in the EPA for your block (e.g. starting with CRS, OSATS, DOPS, etc.).
- Look through the rest of the syllabus, starting from the other rows in the EPA, to assess what other evidence will be required to demonstrate competence if it has not been witnessed by any Consultant or other senior professional.
- When you upload ANY evidence: –
- For Patient Management Doman – tag it to the learning outcome AND the appropriate EPA (you can tag to multiple LOs and multiple EPAs).
- For generic domains, there is no need to tag to specific GSAT, only tag to the appropriate LO.
- Every piece of evidence you upload to the Learning Logs tabs needs to be approved by a supervisor; please click the appropriate button to send the request. The supervisor only needs to acknowledge items; if they do not, the evidence will not be visible to anyone but you.
- Ensure that at least one MAR is completed and tagged to the EPA.
- Allow your Named Clinical Supervisor access to your portfolio by sending them a direct invitation.
- Send the appropriate EPA to the NCS. Remember that they will have to open a FourteenFish account to view all the evidence linked to your EPA.
- Meet with the NCS so that they can complete the EPA in discussion with you. Required numbers are summarised here.
- Send the GSAT to the Educational Supervisor.
- Arrange a meeting with the ES during which (or following which), the ES will complete the ESR.
- It is a curriculum requirement to complete one ESR every six months.
Named Clinical Supervisors
- You will need a FourteenFish account. If you do not have one, it is easy to create. Ensure you use the same email address that all resident doctors will use to send you the forms.
- When you receive the request to complete an EPA, you need to log into your account and use the View Evidence button to review all the evidence the resident doctor has tagged to the form.
- Meet with the resident doctor to complete and sign off the EPA.
Educational Supervisors
- You should have access to the relevant portfolios. If not, please ask your resident doctor(s) to grant you access.
- Complete and sign off GSAT when sent to you by the resident doctor(s).
- Meet with the resident doctor(s) to discuss all evidence, any issues, progress so far and PDP.
- Complete the Educational Supervisor Report.
- Double-check that the Review Period shows the correct dates. This pertains to the rotation which the ESR refers to and, for vast majority of resident doctors, it will be six months (e.g. August 2024 to February 2025). If it shows a period of one year (or any other), you can edit the dates. If you are unable to edit, simply proceed to complete the ESR and ask the resident doctor to email to ask for retrospective edits.
- You are expected to make Level advancement recommendations where appropriate. However, the decision must be ratified by an ARCP panel before any changes to portfolios can be made. Please consult the ARCP Matrix of progression for more details.
Vikas Chadha, Chair of Curriculum Sub-Committee 14 February 2025