Independently perform low complexity vitreo-retinal procedures.

Domain of Clinical Practice Patient Management
Level Level 3
Special Interest Area Vitreoretinal Surgery
Code VR3.3
  • Apply appropriate laser for the management of retinal disorders. 
  • Have a good knowledge of the types of laser, techniques of laser application, delivery systems and treatment strategies, including the indications, risks and limitations of laser treatment.  This can be practised in a supervised simulated environment. 
  • Safely achieve appropriate local anaesthesia for vitreoretinal procedures.  
  • Perform surgical procedures using appropriate aseptic technique. 
  • Perform aqueous and vitreous sampling, and understand the risks of the procedure. This can be practised in a supervised simulated environment. 
  • Demonstrate competency in performing vitreous biopsy and give intravitreal antibiotics. 
  • Perform ultrasound examination to exclude a retinal detachment and a space-occupying lesion in presence of vitreous haemorrhage/obscured fundus view. 
  • Perform ultrasound scans in complex patients differentiating between structures, identifying tissue mobility and taking measurements. 
  • Understand the risk associated with benign vs malignant intraocular lesions and understand the referral criteria. 
  • Know how to handle any samples taken from the eye to increase the diagnostic yield and liaise with laboratory staff so that the specimens are correctly identified, presented and transported. 
  • Make appropriate and reliable arrangements for the result to be acted upon in a timely fashion. 
  • Develop new skills in a supervised simulated environment. 
Method of Assessment
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