Trainees are expected to achieve Level 1 at the latest by the end of OST2 by acquiring the basic science knowledge essential for the practice of ophthalmology (assessed by the Part 1 FRCOphth) examination, and the necessary clinical skills and knowledge (as specified in the EPA Level 1). Trainees will also show evidence of expected development of generic professional skills. A Level 1 trainee will work with indirect supervision in the general ophthalmology setting.

Assessments supporting the Level 1 Learning Outcomes focus on acquiring the knowledge base required to be a safe and effective ophthalmologist. An ophthalmologist working at Level 1 will be able to independently perform a patient assessment and basic investigation. They will be able to identify, describe and interpret clinical findings. They will be able to arrive at differential diagnoses, using their basic clinical science knowledge. They will be able to suggest management plans for low complexity patients. They will work effectively with the multiprofessional team. Full details of the descriptors supporting each Learning Outcome can be found in the RCOphth curriculum microsite.

  1. EPA Level 1 – one for every six months until final one signed off by Named Clinical Supervisor (NCS) as ‘Competent’ in Patient Management Domain Level 1. The requirements for the Level 1 EPA are summarised in Table A.
  2. This Guide also contains examples of completed EPAs – note that these are Word documents and will look different in the ePortfolio.
  3. Generic Skills Assessment Tool (GSAT) Level 1 – one for every six months until final one signed off by Educational Supervisor (ES) as achieving the competencies required to complete this Level in the six Generic (non-Patient Management) Domains. Examples of evidence that can be used in the Level 1 GSAT are summarised in Table B.
  4. Educational Supervisor Report (ESR) – one for every six months and final one confirming a review of the ePortfolio indicating that Level 1 competencies have been achieved in all seven Domains
  5. Pass Part 1 FRCOphth examination
  6. Logbook
  7. Professional Development Plan (PDP)
  8. Multi-source Feedback (MSF) – one for every calendar year
  9. Cataract Complications Audit
  10. Form R, SOAR declaration or equivalent
  11. Satisfactory outcome in ARCP

Please also see Level 1 training requirements in the section on ARCP and the Learning Outcomes on the curriculum microsite.



Table A Curriculum requirements as listed in Level 1 EPA
*A formative tool should be used if a trainee is not achieving the expected level. These requirements can be demonstrated by DOPS, OSATS, direct observation or observation by another team member. 
Mandatory requirements in Outpatients Mandatory requirements in Theatre Can be achieved either in Outpatients or Theatre Other mandatory requirements  
CRS1 Consultation skills OSATS1 Microsurgical skills Removal of sutures* Longitudinal, periodic observation by consultant assessor in the outpatient and/or on call setting, where possible 
CRS2 Assess vision OSATS1 Cataract Surgery Longitudinal observation by consultant assessor in the theatre and simulation setting  
CRS3 Assess visual fields OSATS1 Lid surgery Review of record keeping and letters 
CRS5 External eye examination Operating microscope*  CbDs  
CRS6 Assess pupils Multi-Assessor Report
CRS7 Assess ocular motility 
CRS8 Assess intra-ocular pressure 
CRS9 Slit lamp 
CRS10a Fundus assessment – direct ophthalmoscope 
CRS10b Fundus examination using slit lamp condensing lenses e.g. 90D/78D or equivalent 
CRS10c Fundus assessment – diagnostic contact lens 
CRSGon Gonioscopy 
Corneal scrape*  
Use an exophthalmometer* 
Assess lacrimal function* 
Punctal plug insertion*   
Interpretation of automated visual fields* 

Table B Examples of evidence that can be used in the GSAT Level 1
CbDs and Reflections can be used to demonstrate evidence under each Learning Outcome.
Learning OutcomeSuggested examples of evidence and topics on which related CbDs and reflective pieces can be used
Domain: Health Promotion
Provide appropriate lifestyle advice.  Promote immunisation 
Avoidance of allergens 
Diet and Nutrition 
Advice on sources of information 
Smoking cessation 
AREDS supplementation in advanced AMD 
Adopt local and national guidelines of prevention of infection. Use/create eye local eye casualty guideline 
Infection control protocols 
Endophthalmitis prevention 
Contact lens guidance 
Hand hygiene  
PPE guidance for appropriate respiratory diseases 
Advise appropriately about the systemic side-effects of drugs. Systemic side-effects of antimuscarinics, beta blocker eye drops, doxycycline administration 
Make recommendations for bone protection 
Know the principles of screening. Principles of screening (e-LFH) 
Examples include hydroxychloroquine; diabetic retinopathy; retinopathy of prematurity; fungaemia in immunocompromised patients. 
Part 1 FRCOphth 
Use and promote means of eye injury protection.  Blunt and penetrating eye injury and foreign bodies – reiterate the importance of protective glasses to prevent eye injury working with high velocity machinery or patients with corneal susceptibility (Ehlers Danlos, High myopia) 
Avoidance of fireworks in blast injury cases 
High velocity machinery to wear protective goggles 
DOPS – removal foreign body 
OSATS – lid repairs 
Eye protection advice/driving advice for patients on cycloplegia 
Domain: Leadership and Team Working 
Know about leadership competencies in the nine behavioural dimensions as defined by the NHS Leadership Academy: inspiring shared purpose; leading with care; evaluating information; connecting our service; sharing the vision; engaging the team; holding to account; developing capability; influencing the results.  Go through the resources/healthcare-leadership-model/nine-leadership-dimensions/ 
Certificate of learning  
01_01 Introduction to Leadership and LeAD
Attend leadership courses 
Rota co-ordinator 
Know the principles of leadership and identify areas for own development.   Completion of self-learning 
Domain: Patient Safety and Quality Improvement 
Know the principles, recognise the contribution to improved practice, and take part in clinical governance, audit and quality improvement activities. Clinical governance
Quality Improvement
Part 2 FRCOphth  
Undertake a QIP project; supervise another team member in a project; demonstrate management of a complaint with report and be involved in the investigation; investigate an incident. 
Identify appropriate information from a variety of data sources.  Evidence-based approach
Quality Improvement 
Sources of Information
Epidemiology/evidence-based medicine
Part 2 FRCOphth  
Domain: Safeguarding and Holistic Care 
Understand and promote professional responsibility of safeguarding.  Involvement in safeguarding case
Non-accidental Injury – screening 
Part 2 FRCOphth 
Adult Safeguarding Level 1 
Evidence of generic skill courses and essential courses like fire safety, information governance, infection control, etc. - contains several links that could be used to support this learning, there are too many to list so the trainee can look and see if any are appropriate to undertake if they have seen a case they may relate to recently. 
e.g. safeguarding adults, supporting children and young persons with learning difficulties, dementia etc 
Demonstrate familiarity with local safeguarding procedures and contacts. Use RCOphth NAI proforma 
Laser safety course 
Adult Safeguarding Level 1 
Evidence of generic skill courses and essential courses like fire safety, information governance, infection control, etc. 
Part 2 FRCOphth 
Demonstrate awareness of possibility of non-accidental injury in vulnerable patients. Adult Safeguarding Level 1 
Child Safeguarding Level 1 
CPD from teaching/meetings 
Document safeguarding concerns accurately and refers to senior staff. Safeguarding 
M+M meeting 
Refer to appropriate safeguarding personnel, ECLO, seniors 
Adult Safeguarding Level 1 
Child Safeguarding Level 1 
Case relating to vision/visual field and driving 
Case relating to Amaurosis/TIA/Stroke and advice regarding driving 
Case relating to CVI registration and ECLO/low visual aid referral 
Reflective piece on breaking bad news on condition and effect on driving 
Domain: Education and Training 
Ensure patient safety is paramount in all training and learning events. Use EyeSi simulation and wetlab 
Courses – simulation training 
Record of discussion with supervisor of an adverse outcome 
Reflective piece on how patient safety was included in a training or learning event and why important 
M&M meeting
Reflective entry from complications log where supervisor was sought to help fix a complication 
Actively participate in own induction and training. Use EyeSi simulation and wetlab 
Evidence of participation in local departmental induction and training  
Evidence of attendance in hospital and departmental post-graduate teaching 
Deliver teaching activities under guidance. MDT teaching/medical student training 
Contribution to local teaching session that is supervised 
Medical Student teaching
Evidence of oral/poster presentation in regional teaching, national, international meeting 
Present at regional trainees research symposium 
Deliver patient education. Evidence of participation in patient education event, support groups meeting, developing patient information leaflets, videos  
Domain: Research and Scholarship 
Adopt an evidence-based approach to clinical practice. Personal/departmental audits 
Evidence of involvement in journal club, local teaching, presentation/research publications 
Research Agreement
Critically appraise existing published research. Evidence of involvement in journal club, local teaching, presentation/research publications 
Research Agreement
Understand research and deliver oral presentations. Local PG teaching/journal club 
Regional teaching 
Research publication/oral or poster presentation in local, regional, national and international meetings 
Research Agreement

You can download a sample completed EPA as follows:

Sample completed EPA Level 1 competent

Sample completed EPA Level 1 indirect

Sample completed EPA Level 1 direct

Remember these are Word documents which will look different in the ePortfolio.