The Assessment Strategy defines the critical advancement stages that ophthalmologists in training need to pass through in order to progress to the next level of training and be awarded the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) at the end of the programme.
A separate Assessment Blueprint indicates the assessment requirements at each critical advancement point against Learning Outcomes.
The Matrix of Progression is intended to give ARCP panels consistent guidance as to the curriculum requirements for each ST year.
Formative tools are used to give immediate feedback. They may be employed to identify areas for development, guide learning, reassure about knowledge and skills, prompt reflection and nurture appropriate attitudinal responses. They may also be collated and used to give a rounded view of a doctor’s performance, contributing to summative judgements.
Summative assessments are utilised to make an overall judgment regarding competence, fitness to practice or qualification for progression to higher levels of responsibility.
Central to the assessment cycle is the professional, accountable judgement that trainers make to confirm that ophthalmologists in training have met the Learning Outcomes and the expected levels of performance.
Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) tools map to all of the Learning Outcomes for each of the four levels in the Patient Management domain. Learning Outcomes of a given level are assessed in an integrated way in the context of meaningful clinical activity. Summative entrustment decisions are made for that level, and the EPAs is employed to inform decisions taken by the Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP) panel relating to progression at critical advancement points.
EPA forms include a self-assessment section, which is designed to facilitate professional insight and reflection on the formative feedback. While longitudinal, periodic observation of performance is a key aspect on which to base the entrustment decision, trainers must consider some mandatory pieces of evidence.
Hover over a form code to download a Word version.